• Messias Gonzaga Pereira
  • Tathianne Pastana de Sousa Poltronieri
  • Telma Nair Santana Pereira
  • Helaine Christine Cancela Ramos
  • Renato Santa Catarina
  • Julio Cesar Fiorio Vettorazzi
  • Fernanda Abreu Santana Arêdes
  • Marcela Santana Bastos Boechat
  • Thiago Motta Venâncio
  • Alinne Oliveira Nunes Azevedo
  • Diego Fernando Marmolejo Cortes
  • Nádia Fernandes Moreira
  • Dieimes Bohry
  • Silvaldo Felipe da Silveira
  • Marcelo Vivas
  • Geraldo Antônio Ferreguetti
Keywords: Carica papaya, integrated breeding, hybridization, topcross, resistance and genomics


The papaya crop occupies 32 thousand hectares of planted area in Brazil, with a total annual production of 1.6 million tons (12.5% of the world supply). The country stands out in this scenario as the second biggest producer of the fruit worldwide, only after India. The narrow genetic base of the crop once limited its variability, but the use of classical and molecular plant breeding techniques has enabled the development of a number of higher-yielding cultivars with different levels of resistance to fungal diseases. However, many studies still ought to be undertaken to investigate the papaya crop, given the constant search for higher-yielding cultivars with quality and flavor attributes and the wide range of pathogens affecting the crop, which has not yet shown fully resistant genotypes. Advances in the genomics of papaya provide tools that may improve cultivar production and development systems. This article describes studies conducted by the genetics and breeding group at UENF, in a partnership with Caliman Agrícola S.A., using conventional breeding, diallel cross, and topcross, among other techniques, for the development of 21 hybrids, which were registered at MAPA, in addition to studies with DNA-based markers for sex determination and for the generation of resistant and productive cultivars. This review focuses on the 22 years of conventional breeding for the most recent molecular progress in papaya growing. The information reported here is extremely useful for breeders to develop resistant, productive, and high-quality varieties through assisted selection.


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How to Cite
Gonzaga Pereira, M., Pastana de Sousa Poltronieri, T., Nair Santana Pereira, T., Christine Cancela Ramos, H., Santa Catarina, R., Cesar Fiorio Vettorazzi, J., Abreu Santana Arêdes, F., Santana Bastos Boechat, M., Motta Venâncio, T., Oliveira Nunes Azevedo, A., Fernando Marmolejo Cortes, D., Fernandes Moreira, N., Bohry, D., Felipe da Silveira, S., Vivas, M., & Antônio Ferreguetti, G. (2020). TWENTY-TWO-YEAR PAPAYA BREEDING PROGRAM: FROM BREEDING STRATEGY ESTABLISHMENT TO CULTIVAR DEVELOPMENT. Functional Plant Breeding Journal, 1(2). Retrieved from